Vilnius, 12 June 2024

The CNUE welcomes three new observer members to its ranks

On 12 June in Vilnius, CNUE member and observer notariats met for their plenary General Assembly. This date marked a milestone in the history of the organisation. At the start of the proceedings, an official ceremony was held to celebrate the addition of three new observer members to the ranks of the CNUE: the notariats of Albania, Georgia and Moldova.

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European elections 2024

The Notaries of Europe Manifesto

In the run-up to the European elections in June, the Council of the Notariats of the European Union has published a series of priorities for future MEPs, members of the European Commission and the Council of the EU.

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European Directory of Notaries

Find a notary who speaks your language?

It is possible to find a notary throughout the European Union who speaks your language. With just one click, the Directory of European Notaries is available to you free of charge.

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A network at your service

Joining the ENN means being able to count on the help of a network of contacts covering the 22 countries of the European Union that know the notariat. One contact point per country is at your service to provide you with practical information on your cross-border cases.


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