News CNUE, 16 September 2024
Conference on Ukraine – Vilnius, 13 September 2024
On 13 September, the CNUE organised a conference in Vilnius on “Strenghtening the Rule of Law and the Notariat : Insights from European Union Members and Ukraine”. This conference was held at the initiative of the Lithuanian Presidency of the CNUE, which wanted to highlight the tremendous challenges faced by Ukraine since the start of the war, particularly in terms of guaranteeing the rule of law and an effective justice system. With this in mind, representatives of Lithuanian, Ukrainian and European institutions took the floor, moderated by CNUE President Marius Stračkaitis.
In his opening speech, President Marius Stračkaitis highlighted the essential elements of a strong notarial profession, such as the status of the notary as a member of the legal profession, high standards of professional ethics, the highest legal qualification, self-regulation and the use of digital processes.
Ewelina Dobrowolska, Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, and Vice-minister of Justice, Gabija Grigaite Daugirde, recalled that the rule of law is a fundamental value of the EU. They emphasized that the independence and impartiality of the notarial profession is a cornerstone of the rule of law. Dainius Žalimas, Member of the European Parliament, also concurred with these remarks, adding that the functions entrusted to notaries by the State require them to be independent guardians of the rule of law.
Yevhen Horovets, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine, and Danguolė Bublienė, President of the Supreme Court of Lithuania, underlined the role played by notaries as guardians of legal certainty in the service of the State. Ukrainian notaries continue to play this role fully under very difficult conditions, with the constant threat of bombings and recurring electricity shortages.

Anna Jarosz-Friis, Director of Ukraine Service, DG NEAR, European Commission, welcomed the unwavering support of the European notariat in welcoming the Ukrainian notariat into its ranks and accompanying the country on its path towards integration into the EU. She acknowledged the reforms underway and the progress made, particularly with regard to the rule of law.
Volodymyr Marchenko, President of the Ukrainian Chamber of Notaries, highlighted the reforms undertaken to bring the notarial profession into line with European standards, particularly with regard to the dematerialisation of registers. He thanked the CNUE for its unstinting and asked for its help in Ukraine’s integration into the EU. In response, Jens Bormann, President of Bundesnotarkammer, outlined the support that could be provided as soon as hostilities cease: material support to rebuild and equip notarial offices, financial support for notaries and their staff, and legal support to develop the legal framework towards the use of digital tools, such as electronic archiving, while ensuring legal certainty.
Nicolas de Baudus de Fransures, Chairman of the Europe Commission of the French notariat, presented the tools developed in his country to prepare the notariat of the future and meet the needs of clients: the authentic instrument on an electronic medium, the use and risks of AI, the challenges of digital sovereignty, the use of registers and the opportunities offered by data.
Copyright photos Eduardas Bareika