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News CNUE, 2 February 2024

European elections 2024: the proposals of the Notaries of Europe

In the run-up to the European elections in June, the Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) has published a series of priorities for future MEPs, members of the European Commission and the Council of the EU.

These proposals are structured around 7 main themes:

  • Ensuring legal certainty in an increasingly uncertain digital world
  • Better protecting citizens’ rights
  • Facilitating the settlement of successions in Europe
  • Promoting the reliability of registers
  • Acting in the fight against money laundering
  • Fostering the development of non-litigious justice in Europe
  • Standing by Ukraine

Notaries are the legal advisors to citizens and companies. They accompany them throughout the major stages of life: marriage contract, purchase of real estate, settlement of an inheritance, company statutes, etc. Every month, several million clients come through the doors of a notary’s office. And they are facing a steady increase in the number of cases with a cross-border element.

Through this manifesto, the CNUE is committed to working alongside the European institutions to provide legislative and practical solutions to the challenges faced by citizens and companies whose lives and activities are now part of the European area.

Read the manifesto (in PDF)

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