2nd edition of the Notaries of Europe open days

Brussels, 24 October 2017
2nd edition of the Notaries of Europe “open days”
On the occasion of the European Day of Justice on 25 October 2017, the notaries of 16 EU countries are offering conferences, free consultations and information sessions for citizens.
For the second year, the Council of Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) is organising the Notaries of Europe Open Days. On this occasion, events are being organised in 16 EU countries for citizens and students. The programme includes information sessions, conferences and free consultations at which several thousand people are expected. Everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and inquire about their family and property situation or to learn more about the role of notaries and the European and national institutions.
For Me José Manuel García Collantes, President of the CNUE :
This initiative is the result of a strong partnership with the European institutions which was a success in 2016. During the first edition, we organised more than 200 events that attracted some 20,000 participants. These Open Days demonstrate the willingness of the Notaries of Europe to promote access to the law for all.
European Day of Justice
The Notaries of Europe Open Days are part of the European Day of Justice, an initiative of the European Commission and the Council of Europe which takes place every year around 25 October
> More informations
Liste des évènements
Events are being organised in 16 Member States:
– Austria: On 9 September 2017, about fifteen notaries met citizens in a central square in the city of Linz. Approximately 200 people benefited from consultations on real estate transactions.
– Belgium: On the theme “I plan my succession”, free information evenings are being organised in the 17 provincial chambers, on 24 October for the Dutch-speaking part of the country and on 25 October for the French-speaking part. Last year, nearly 1000 people attended these events.
– Croatia: The Chamber of Notaries of Croatia is organising a conference for law students presenting notaries and their services on 25 October at its offices in Zagreb. At the same time, the various regional chambers are opening their doors for free consultations.
– Czech Republic: The National Chamber is open and notaries will answer questions from the public on 25 October. It is also possible to ask questions via Facebook. At the same time, there will be information activities in the press and on television.
– Estonia: On 1 November, the 64 notary practices and 91 notaries in the country are welcoming the general public for consultations and presentations on the role of the notary. In 2016, 742 participants were registered.
– France: The Conseil Supérieur du Notariat français is organising a Facebook Live on 25 October in partnership with the information website “Femmexpat”. Notaries will be able to answer questions directly from citizens, expatriates or those with projects abroad.
– Germany: Readers’ forums, where several hundred participants are expected, are being organised on the subject of succession law in Zwickau (23 October), Dresden (25 October) and Leipzig (6 November).
– Italy: Notaries are visiting schools in the 91 national districts on 25 October to make presentations to primary and secondary school students on the European Union, legality, equality and inclusion. In 2016, nearly 15,000 students participated in this initiative. On the same day, a conference is being held in Rome on the rights of vulnerable people.
– Lithuania: The Lithuanian notariat is organising an “e-notary” open day on 25 October to present the new “eNotaras” system, which allows clients to access 24-hour information on notarial services, to order services and to exchange secure correspondence with their notaries. Each participant will be able to open an account in the system and the National Chamber will host online discussions and Q&A sessions on using the system and its benefits.
– The Netherlands: The European Notarial Network (ENN) is holding a meeting of its 22 national interlocutors in The Hague on 27 October. These interlocutors are at the service of notaries to provide them with practical information on their cross-border files.
– Poland: Consultations are being held on 25 November in 21 cities across the country on the theme “Talk to your notary about how to safely transmit your assets”.
– Portugal: During the week of 23-27 October, Portuguese notaries are opening their doors to citizens for free consultations. On 25 October, the National Order of Notaries is organising a conference on “The Notary at the service of European citizenship” to be held in Lisbon.
– Romania: The notaries are organising their open day on 25 October in the offices of the local and regional chambers, as well as in notarial offices. In 2016, 430 participants sought legal advice in 79 different locations and 1200 questions were submitted online.
– Slovakia: From 23 to 28 October, the Chamber of Notaries of Slovakia is organising free online consultations.
– Slovenia: Presentations, lectures and discussion panels are being held on 24 October at all law schools in Slovenia on the topic “The role and tasks of the notary in modern society”. On 26 October, all Slovenian notaries will open their doors to advise citizens.
– Spain: In the week of 25 October, notaries are attending 17 educational centres to make presentations to students of the last year of ESO and baccalaureate courses on the theme “The European Union, its pillars of Justice and the role and functions of the European notary”.
CNUE in brief
The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) is an official body representing the notarial profession in dealings with the European institutions. Speaking for the profession, it expresses the joint decisions of its members to the institutions of the European Union. The CNUE includes 22 notarial organisations in the European Union, representing over 40,000 notaries and 200,000 staff. The European notariats are represented in the CNUE by the Presidents of the national notariats. The CNUE operates under the authority of a President, the CNUE’s spokesperson, who has tenure for one year.