Invitation to tender for web design, development and maintenance services

Brussels, 16 February 2018
Invitation to tender for web design, development and maintenance services
Organisational Context
The CNUE – Council of the Notariats of the EU ASBL (Association sans but lucratif – non-profit organisation) under Belgian law is calling for tenders for the provision of web design, development and maintenance services.
The CNUE is supported by its members gathered in a Steering Committee for the purpose of this project, which is co-financed by the European Commission DG Justice and Consumers (Justice Action Grant – Proposal Number 766448 – Proposal Acronym: FAN plus).
Web design, development and maintenance services
The main objective is to modernise the Find a Notary website Find a Notary to make it more accessible and user-friendly for any EU citizen. This goal can be achieved by offering new functionalities and a technical update, including:
– Make the tool compatible with mobile devices
– Facilitate access for people with disabilities
– Identify and implement a geolocalisation tool
– Create a “contact-a-notary” form
– Modernise the mechanism for securing data
– Give more visibility to notaries’ language
– Provide an option for special qualifications
– Explore the simplification of the upload procedure
– Integrate other resources into the webpage
– Integrate the modernised layout and rebranding of the website
– Organise a training of the national contact points: 22 partners have to regularly update the national information in order to ensure a smooth and responsive tool for the users
The selection criteria include the assessment of:
– The candidate profile in terms of relevant skills, professional qualifications, reliability, ability to meet the deadline and previous experience/knowledge of similar website solutions, including the ability to provide references for previous work undertaken for similar project
– The conformity of the proposed solutions to the technical specifications and details on how you would approach our requirement
– Value for money and demonstration thereof
Tender documentation, including technical specifications and selection criteria, are available for download here below.
Deadline for technical proposal and relative quote
Kindly send your technical proposal and relative quote to P.Bruge@cnue.be within Friday 23rd March.
The tender opened on Friday 16th February and closes on Friday 23rd March at midnight.
A question round is taking place from Friday 16th February until Friday 9th March.
All questions must be addressed in writing to P.Bruge@cnue.be
The questions and their relative answers will be shared with all the declared candidates.
> Download descriptions for web design, development and maintenance services
CNUE in brief
The Council of the Notariats of the European Union (CNUE) is an official body representing the notarial profession in dealings with the European institutions. Speaking for the profession, it expresses the joint decisions of its members to the institutions of the European Union. The CNUE includes 22 notarial organisations in the European Union, representing over 40,000 notaries and 200,000 staff. The European notariats are represented in the CNUE by the presidents of the national notariats. The CNUE operates under the authority of a President, the CNUE’s spokesperson, who has tenure for one year.